Our Team

Our organization’s members are all volunteers who have a passion for making the world a better place!

We allocate as much of your donations as possible directly to our projects.

Founder & President
Mika Mattingly

Mika started her career in Japan as a certified social worker and high school teacher. Her strong interest in the social welfare and youth-focused public support programs of other countries eventually led her to move to the United States.

Mika spent the next 10 years collaborating with mental health professionals and volunteering for US organizations in a variety of different areas, from the support of young mothers to education. After countless volunteer hours she witnessed firsthand the high rate of burnout among social workers and other frontline workers in the US, as well as the severe risk of young women becoming the victims of human trafficking and other serious crimes.

Setting aside her original plan of continuing her higher education here in the US, she instead decided to dedicate her time and effort to helping people directly. She started the Nonprofit organization, Camellia Support For Women, with like minded volunteers who share her passion for helping women in difficult situations. She believes in the nonprofit’s mission and in her incredible board of volunteers!

She is a mother of 4, and enjoys reading, gardening, and home cooked meals! She loves to visit other countries. Her last trip was to Guatemala, where she helped build stoves for women in remote communities. She believes that women have the right to feel happy and safe regardless of their background or financial situation.

Cecilia Howard - Russell

As a life-long resident of the Washington Metropolitan area and a strong advocate for women’s rights, Cecilia has dedicated over 20 years to volunteer work in the local communities where she grew up. Building on that commitment to helping people in need, Cecilia has joined the Camellia Support For Women Board.

She plans to use the knowledge and experience gained during her almost 30 years of supporting the U.S. Department of Justice to further the goals and objectives of Camellia Support For Women as the Secretary of the Board.

She has two incredible children, and spends her free time reading and taking walks. She also loves the beach and seeing new places.

Suzu Bella Lim

Suzu Bella Lim’s passion for helping women started in high school following her volunteer work at a program that assists at risk girls in her community.

A self-taught metalsmith and entrepreneur with over 6 years of experience, she is utilizing the knowledge and skills acquired from starting her own business to support the mission of Camellia Support For Women. Her educational background includes courses in women’s studies as well as human trafficking related issues.
Suzu Bella Lim’s hobbies include crafting and video games. Recently, she has also developed an interest in web development.

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